Quercetin is a naturally occurring flavonoid that is largely found in dark colored fruits and vegetables such as grapes, apples, berries, nuts, black tea, broccoli, and onions. Researchers have found evidence of immense therapeutic value in quercetin, some of which include the following properties:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anti-viral
  • Anti-oxidant
  • Cardioprotective
  • Anti-carcinogenic
  • Ability to regulate immune activity
  • Ability to increase mitochondrial biogenesis

The presence of the chemical structure in quercetin (known as the –OH group) is largely credited for its role for having anti-oxidant properties. For these reasons, experts believe that incorporating quercetin in one’s diet can help against excessive weight and obesity in the following ways:

1) Quercetin Burns More Calories

An increasing number of people are leading sedentary lifestyles which are playing a big role in obesity. This has direct, negative effects on a person’s overall health and wellness, including the propensity to develop a negative energy balance. This means that the body is taking in more energy than it is pending. In order to maintain healthy energy equilibrium, a lot more of this excess energy needs to be burnt, this is possible by switching over to an active lifestyle.

This isn’t possible for many people because of their hectic work schedules. There are ways to burn more energy, one such is to consume more quercetin. The effects of quercetin, which were studied in mice, were found to have increased energy expenditure in them.

2) Quercetin Has Anti-inflammatory Properties

Researchers have found that high inflammation is directly related with obesity. This is why flavonoids that have anti-inflammatory properties widely being studied for their role in weight reduction. One such flavonoid is quercetin which can minimize the blood’s circulating markers of inflammation.

Quercetin also regulates an important protein hormone known as adiponectin, which plays a vital part of fatty acid breakdown. This suggests that quercetin can be used to treat inflammation that leads to obesity.

3) Quercetin has Beneficial Antioxidant Properties to Speed up Weight Loss

A study conducted in mice found that quercetin, when fed alongside a diet high in fat, was able to regulate body weight. All groups that consumed flavonoids in their diet had improved levels of body weight compared to those that didn’t. Some of the flavonoids tested include quercetin, epicatechin, hesperetin, anthocyanins, and apigenin. Of these, quercetin was the most effective flavonoid in bringing about reduction of weight.

4) Quercetin Inhibits Adipogenesis

Adipogenesis, or formation of fat cells, is inhibited by a combination of quercetin and resveratrol. This type of diet prevents the growth cycle of pre-adipocytes into mature adipocytes and even kills leftover mature adipocytes (also known as fat cells) by attacking them at a molecular level.

This unique combination of quercetin and resveratrol can adipogenesis and reduce fat deposits in the body. Another beneficial outcome is the increased production of triglyceride lipase, a hormone that prevents triglycerols from building up in the adipose tissue.